How eco-bot can be personalized for your special needs:
Utilities & ESCO CEOs
Stand out from your competition and generate additional value: build long-term relationships with your customers through a viable communication channel and use it to upsell new products or services.
Eco-Bot allows you to:
• Reduce the workload of your customer service and save money. Through Eco-Bot’s interface you have a direct and automated line of communication with your customers.
• Deliver on your sustainability promises and help your customers save energy. Eco-Bot’s ability to monitor consumption of specific appliances enables you to send tailor-made energy saving recommendations to your customers.
• Include features (“use cases”) that you need. Eco-Bot’s energy monitoring abilities and natural-language chat abilities can easily be customized to your company’s needs and generate extra revenue for a small price/investment…
Software Vendor CEOs
Bind your customers to your service platform and create additional revenue through best supplying the easiest-to-use energy monitoring tool on the market.
Eco-Bot allows your customers to:
• Be more efficient and save time. Eco-Bot displays information on energy consumption and building
performance KPIs on one unified and user-friendly page.
• Focus on technical visits, retrofit proposal or customer engagement using the valuable time savings facilitated by Eco-Bot
• Streamline their daily task. Eco-Bot enables facility managers to set automatic goals and alerts for energy-saving measures and recommendation follow-ups