DEXMA is a leading building energy management system provider, offering an international SaaS platform focused on energy efficiency which is monitoring more than 24,000 buildings, distributed through a network of 275 partners serving 2,500 customers in 45 countries. Partners are mainly energy services companies (ESCOs), utilities and integrators that manage tertiary buildings like corporate buildings, hotels, retail sector, public administration buildings (hospital, city halls, public schools, cultural centers, universities, etc) and industries.
The demo case in DEXMA’s Energy Management System, DEXMA Analyse, is a B2B (business to business) use case – this means that Energy Management System (EMS) users, like facility managers, will use the chatbot in order to increase and/or improve the functionalities of the EMS. The Eco-Bot chatbot offers a variety of functionalities for facility managers and/or owners and energy managers such as a recommendation engine that displays the best available recommendation in order to increase the energy savings in the locations managed by the user, league tables to see the 10 best or worst performing locations in the user’s portfolio or set up consumption, cost or carbon emission goals, among other functionalities. The chatbot will allow users to save up a lot of time on energy management, as global KPIs can be displayed by the chatbot in seconds.

Details about the pilot:
✓ 3 Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) from 3 European countries (Italy, Spain and the UK) participate in the B2B pilot phase. Energy managers in these companies are participating as Eco-Bot end users.
✓ Properties from 3 different economic sectors are monitored in this phase: restaurants, supermarkets and hotels. Historical main and submetering electrical consumption data is available.
✓ Eco-Bot is offered in English and Spanish
Benefits of using Ecobot
● Allows for time saving and efficiency through better decision making
● Reduces energy duties management to 1 h per week
● Delivers constant legislation updates
● Enables control at major KPIs at a glance
● Allows early problem detection
● Offers various options for push notification intervals
● Facility Managers switch from reactive to proactive